Monday, May 11, 2015

Check point 1 - 3

1. not tipping
2. to stare
3. not say
4. holding hands
5. to burgain
6. to help
7. arguing
8. intend, to be
- Have you seen these people before?
- Yes, They're my neighbors. They live upstairs.
- How long are there living there?
- I guess I'm knowing them for six months. They moved here in August.
- When did you last see them?
- Um, about a week ago, I think last tuesday
- What were they doing When you saw them?
- Well, as I was coming home , they were carrying in big suitcase to the car.
- Did you speak to them?
- I said, Hi! Where were you going?
And they replied, " On vacation "
- What time is the finally left ?
 - Oh, um, it was pretty late, around 11 at night, I guess
- Can you remember what they were wearing?
- Let me think.....
oh, definitely, to be honest, of course, this, now, these, don't you think
1. Old building aren't as comfortable as new buildings.
But  Old building  are as strong as new buildings.
2. Cheap watches aren't as nice as expensive watch.
But cheap watches are as necessary as expensive watch.
3. Folk music isn't as popular as rock music.
But don't you think it's just as good ? I like folk as much as rock.

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